Modamily Blog

Taking Care of Your Health During Pregnancy

Written by Ivan Fatovic | Feb 2, 2021 1:39:53 AM

The human body is an amazing machine, especially during pregnancy. Growing life within is a powerful experience, and health should be a top priority during that time. By prioritizing healthy habits, new moms can protect their babies and themselves.

Here are some of the top considerations for staying healthy during pregnancy.

Get the Right Coverage

Having the right health insurance in place can make a huge difference when having a baby. For many women, this coverage is the difference between making all of their appointments or not and receiving the quality care they deserve. 

When choosing a private plan during pregnancy, it can be beneficial to choose a low-deductible, high-premium plan. The benefit is that you know you'll hit the minimum with your prenatal care and the birthing process. By using the low deductible, you can start to reap the benefits of your coverage sooner. This benefit also allows you to address the other health concerns and care appointments to maximize your return on investment.

Monitor Underlying and Existing Conditions

It's not realistic to think that every woman who becomes pregnant has an otherwise clean bill of health. Anything from blood pressure issues to mental health to autoimmune diseases can have an impact on a pregnancy.

As such, it's also integral to give those other conditions the attention they need. Putting a care plan in place and discussing how your condition will interact with the pregnancy is a must. Advocate for yourself and ensure your obstetrician and specialists have clear communications about your needs.

Prioritize Good Nutrition

One of the best things you can do for your body while pregnant is to fuel it with healthy foods. That doesn't mean you shouldn't indulge in some of your cravings, but try to eat the nutritious options first. Things like leafy greens, lean protein, and lots of vitamin-rich natural foods have a huge impact on your health.

Talk to your doctor about which vitamins you should be taking. They may recommend a standard prenatal vitamin as well as a folic acid supplement. Keep in mind that proper hydration goes hand-in-hand with nutrition. Your body will require more fluids to keep you and your baby healthy.

Make Time to Move

Prioritizing movement can be a challenge during pregnancy. Those struggling with fatigue and morning sickness during the first trimester often relegate themselves to the couch or bed whenever possible. During the later months, movement can be uncomfortable and cumbersome.

However, making time to move will help keep your body and mind healthy during and after your pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about your preferred exercises and how you can scale them for your pregnancy. If movement is a challenge, consider low-impact activities like walking and yoga.

Practice Self-Care

Stress management is essential for a healthy pregnancy— that's why it's so important to schedule some time for self-care and relaxation. Find a hobby that you've wanted to try for a while. Consider scheduling prenatal massages or pedicures. Spend time with friends or loved ones or in scenic locations outdoors.

Self-care looks different for everyone. The key thing to remember is that you're dedicating time to yourself and working to help offset stress.

Invest in Good Rest

Finally, set yourself up for some good sleep while pregnant. Your body is working harder than usual to accomplish your usual tasks and activities. Don't hesitate to invest in some high-quality pillows to support your body as it grows and changes. Create an environment that promotes sleep, and schedule time to nap as needed throughout the day.

The more you can do to support your body during pregnancy, the better you'll recover afterward. Create healthy habits that you can sustain now and after your baby is born.

Stay Informed

Everyone experiences pregnancy differently, so it is best for every new parent to stay informed of the different parental information that is available to be them through their own means.

Whether that be through the people they surround themselves with, taking birthing classes, using parenting books or reading blogs like this one on Modamily, it’s important to learn about all the different things you are or could experience during pregnancy. After all these types of resources are available to help you take care of yourself and your little one.