Co-parent/Known Donor Matching Services
Dedicated client management to find high quality potential co-parents
Verified Profiles
Customized search
Advocacy and Guidance from an expert
Referrals to legal and health professionals in your area
Known Sperm Donor Search Service

- Customized donor search based on your desired criteria
- Verified Donors that have been pre-interviewed and subject to health and psych evaluations if requested
- Advocacy and Guidance from an expert
- Referrals to legal and health professionals in your area
- Help with “hard to find” donors that fit your most important requirements whether they be, similar features to your partner, ethnic background, level of education, or religion.

Modamily has one of the largest databases of over 15,000 men open to being a known sperm donor
When you work with MC, we verify every candidate’s identity via a pre-interview before we present them to you. We guide you thought the whole process, facilitating health and psych evaluations, and referrals to a family attorney in your state who can draft a known donor or co-parenting agreement.

Modamily Concierge can help with finding available “hard to find donors” that match your criteria.
Whether you’re looking for a donor that matches you or your partners’s ethnic background, a highly educated donor, or just someone that has the physical characteristics you’re looking for, Modamily Concierge is your advocate that guides you through the journey of starting your family.
“Modamily helped me find a known sperm donors within a few weeks. I had many options to choose from and I think you for the help and positive experience.”
New York, NY
Our Clients Are:
Single Moms by choice looking to start a family on their own
Lesbian Couples looking for a known sperm donor
Married Couples who need help conceiving
Men and Women looking for a romantic or platonic co-parent